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Blogging Tips

Here on Joyfully Growing Blog I discuss home decor tips and share DIY projects, but since starting this blog I have also fallen in love with all of the behind the scenes aspects of running a blog. This blog wouldn’t be what it is today if it weren’t for other bloggers sharing what they’ve learned. So I am paying it forward and doing just that!

I believe that blogging can completely change your life in a positive way. Earning extra income, meeting like-minded people in the blogging community, and sharing your passions with others are just a few reasons why I’ve grown to love being a blogger!

Below are all of the posts about blogging that I’ve written in order to help others improve their own blogs, no matter what stage they’re at in they’re blogging career.

From my Blogger Series, please read:

  1. How to Setup Bluehost with Wordpress the Easy Way
  2. 10 Lessons Learned in My First Year Blogging
  3. The Secret to Turning Social Media Followers Into Blog Readers
  4. How I Grew My Email List by 51% Using a Quiz!
  5. 10 WordPress Plugins You’ll Wish You Knew About Sooner
  6. How to Brainstorm Popular Blog Post Ideas
  7. How to Pick the Right Web Hosting for Wordpress
  8. 10 Things You Should Do To Every Post BEFORE You Hit Publish
  9. 11 SEO Tips for Beginners
  10. How I Increased My Amazon Earnings By Optimizing In Real Time

In addition to the posts above, I also created some extra blogging freebies!

My Free Blogging Email Course:

Free Downloadable Guides:

Along with the awesome freebies above, I also offer done-for-you email templates for working with brands and landing paid partnerships.

9 Email Templates for Communicating With Brands:

After working with brands like Samsung, World Market, Article (and many more!) I sat down and created Email Templates For Communicating With Brands which includes the exact wording I use to land big brand partnerships.

Fellow Blogging Bestie – please stop accepting product-trade collabs and start earning MONEY for your work. These templates will save you tons of time and give you the confidence to hit send and land your next paid partnership.

My Favorite Blogging Tips